Adrian Wilson Ph.D, P.Eng
Adrian holds a Ph.D in Computational Modeling and Engineering Mechanics from the University of Swansea, UK and is also an alumni of the Executive Leadership Development program at Stanford University, USA.
Following five years lecturing in Engineering Mechanics and Finite Element Modeling, as an adjunct professor and researcher at the University of Calgary, Adrian entered the private sector as a consultant and then as the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Engineer of a publicly traded startup company.
Most recently, he has been the Senior Project Engineer leading the Canmore office of ISL Engineering and Land Services Inc, a full-service consulting firm specializing in the planning, design and project management of transportation, water and land projects. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of ISL.
Adrian is a long-term resident of the Bow Valley and has served as Vice Chair of the Board of BOWDA, President of the Coho Swim Club and a Member of the Board of the Bow Valley Chamber of Commerce.